Rock Paper Scissors

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Legendary Ent. / Plague Language, 2008.
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1h 9m 58s

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APA Citation, 7th Edition (style guide)

Noah23., Noah23|ARTIST., Gregory Pepper|ARTIST., Cadence Weapon|ARTIST., Wormhole|ARTIST., Livestock|ARTIST., Demune|ARTIST., Ceschi|ARTIST., Fidget|ARTIST., Bluebird|ARTIST., The Main|ARTIST., Josh Martinez|ARTIST., Baracuda|ARTIST., Modulok (Of Red Ants)|ARTIST., Delectable|ARTIST., Epic|ARTIST., Sole|ARTIST., K-The-I|ARTIST., Hangnail|ARTIST., Homesick|ARTIST., Tykus|ARTIST., Wordburglar|ARTIST., The Sad Clowns|ARTIST., Staple Mouth|ARTIST., Athena|ARTIST., Sankofa|ARTIST., & Jim Guthrie|ARTIST. (2008). Rock Paper Scissors . Legendary Ent. / Plague Language.

Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)

Noah23 et al.. 2008. Rock Paper Scissors. Legendary Ent. / Plague Language.

Chicago / Turabian - Humanities (Notes and Bibliography) Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)

Noah23 et al.. Rock Paper Scissors Legendary Ent. / Plague Language, 2008.

MLA Citation, 9th Edition (style guide)

Noah23, et al. Rock Paper Scissors Legendary Ent. / Plague Language, 2008.

Note! Citations contain only title, author, edition, publisher, and year published. Citations should be used as a guideline and should be double checked for accuracy. Citation formats are based on standards as of August 2021.

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Grouped Work ID366d43eb-8918-29fb-7a22-4aabf0ebd6fd-eng
Full titlerock paper scissors
Grouping Categorymusic
Last Update2024-05-14 23:01:43PM
Last Indexed2024-12-07 01:17:38AM

Book Cover Information

Image Sourcehoopla
First LoadedJun 13, 2022
Last UsedDec 9, 2024

Hoopla Extract Information

stdClass Object
    [year] => 2008
    [artist] => Noah23
    [fiction] => 
    [coverImageUrl] =>
    [titleId] => 11368140
    [isbn] => 
    [abridged] => 
    [language] => ENGLISH
    [profanity] => 
    [title] => Rock Paper Scissors
    [demo] => 
    [segments] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 1
                    [seconds] => 234
                    [name] => Hungry

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 2
                    [seconds] => 179
                    [name] => Pinball (Feat. Gregory Pepper)

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 3
                    [seconds] => 106
                    [name] => Half Drunk (Feat. Cadence Weapon)

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 4
                    [seconds] => 149
                    [name] => Crystal Palace (Feat. Wormhole)

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 5
                    [seconds] => 242
                    [name] => Raw Nukes (Feat. Livestock)

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 6
                    [seconds] => 207
                    [name] => Gaia Bacteria (Feat. Demune)

            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 7
                    [seconds] => 253
                    [name] => Faded (Feat. Ceschi)

            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 8
                    [seconds] => 220
                    [name] => Elephant March (Feat. Fidget & Bleubird)

            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 9
                    [seconds] => 141
                    [name] => Toy Story (Feat. The Main)

            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 10
                    [seconds] => 173
                    [name] => Moon Landing (Feat. Josh Martinez)

            [10] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 11
                    [seconds] => 160
                    [name] => Rusty Robotz (Feat. Baracuda)

            [11] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 12
                    [seconds] => 190
                    [name] => Things Get Done (Feat. Modulok of Red Ants)

            [12] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 13
                    [seconds] => 73
                    [name] => Give It To The People

            [13] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 14
                    [seconds] => 150
                    [name] => Ils Persistent (Feat. Delectable)

            [14] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 15
                    [seconds] => 176
                    [name] => Tragic Comedy (Feat. Epic, Sole & K-The-I)

            [15] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 16
                    [seconds] => 147
                    [name] => Gothic Cathedral (Feat. Hangnail & Homesick)

            [16] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 17
                    [seconds] => 141
                    [name] => Olfactory Memorial

            [17] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 18
                    [seconds] => 247
                    [name] => Black Ball (Feat. Tykus & Wordburglar)

            [18] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 19
                    [seconds] => 151
                    [name] => Wisdom Teeth (Feat. The Sad Clowns)

            [19] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 20
                    [seconds] => 318
                    [name] => Dead End Game (Feat. Staple Mouth)

            [20] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 21
                    [seconds] => 190
                    [name] => True Romance (Feat. Athena & Sankofa)

            [21] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 22
                    [seconds] => 144
                    [name] => Torn Again (Feat. Jim Guthrie)

            [22] => stdClass Object
                    [segmentNumber] => 23
                    [seconds] => 207
                    [name] => Fame


    [duration] => 1h 9m 58s
    [children] => 
    [artists] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Noah23
                    [artistFormal] => Noah23, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Gregory Pepper
                    [artistFormal] => Pepper, Gregory
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Cadence Weapon
                    [artistFormal] => Cadence Weapon, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Wormhole
                    [artistFormal] => Wormhole, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Livestock
                    [artistFormal] => Livestock, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Demune
                    [artistFormal] => Demune, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Ceschi
                    [artistFormal] => Ceschi, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Fidget
                    [artistFormal] => Fidget, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Bluebird
                    [artistFormal] => Bluebird, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => The Main
                    [artistFormal] => Main, The
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [10] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Josh Martinez
                    [artistFormal] => Martinez, Josh
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [11] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Baracuda
                    [artistFormal] => Baracuda, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [12] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Modulok (Of Red Ants)
                    [artistFormal] => Modulok (Of Red Ants), 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [13] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Delectable
                    [artistFormal] => Delectable, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [14] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Epic
                    [artistFormal] => Epic, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [15] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Sole
                    [artistFormal] => Sole, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [16] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => K-The-I
                    [artistFormal] => K-The-I, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [17] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Hangnail
                    [artistFormal] => Hangnail, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [18] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Homesick
                    [artistFormal] => Homesick, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [19] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Tykus
                    [artistFormal] => Tykus, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [20] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Wordburglar
                    [artistFormal] => Wordburglar, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [21] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => The Sad Clowns
                    [artistFormal] => Clowns, The Sad
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [22] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Staple Mouth
                    [artistFormal] => Mouth, Staple
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [23] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Athena
                    [artistFormal] => Athena, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [24] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Sankofa
                    [artistFormal] => Sankofa, 
                    [relationship] => ARTIST

            [25] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Jim Guthrie
                    [artistFormal] => Guthrie, Jim
                    [relationship] => ARTIST


    [genres] => Array
            [0] => Hip-Hop/Rap

    [price] => 1.49
    [id] => 11368140
    [edited] => 
    [kind] => MUSIC
    [active] => 1
    [upc] => 634479860232
    [url] =>
    [pa] => 
    [publisher] => Legendary Ent. / Plague Language
    [purchaseModel] => INSTANT